What're they doing?

Today was the Saturday, did you enjoy? Early in the morning the school was held a large football match at the field. Do you saw it? Anyway, on Thursday I took my camera to school and snapped some featured photos. What do you think about them? What're they doing? What're they looking at?

Are they looking at something interesting?

Actually they were doing what? Do you know? It's always happened in A1, did you realize it?

What're they doing.... Leave your answer under the post of this comment!

Congratulations Ho Kit who was the first one guess that guy who was playing the phone, the prize will giving out as soon as possible.

By GenYong


HoKit said...

i realli dunno wad they were doing =,=.
jus see some serious faces looking somethings on ziquan's table ...

Unknown said...

watching movie !!!!!!!!!

Anonymous said...

Two things i want to say about your blog. First, it has a lot of grammar errors and unsuitable use of vocabulary. Second, it is not creative at all. i notice you keep using words like "do you know it","do you realise it". very unappropriate.

Anonymous said...

it was very unfair to visitors
as the competition itself
only meant to pupils in aviation 1,
you get what i mean??

anyway, just a comment,
no offense...

The Aviator said...

@Anonymous err... yes, my mistakes is on grammar. I realised that, thanks for your comment. I will change it on next time and improve much. Can?

@Kelvin Err... not really for aviation 1 students la, if you want join also can. No force, can? Join ba, just first come first serve!

HoKit said...

Ya, i oso feel that the grammar abit weird .

thx .

oo kk we will try to improve. thx ya.

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