Thank God Its Saturday!

Hey guys, enjoyed your weekends? Guess what our fellow aviators did in the last few days. Studying? preparing for pmr? homework? projects maybe? Well not quite... Walter, Kit Meng and Ian went to hang out at Gurney Plaza to watch a movie and challenge each other with a few games of pool, of course. First they went to catch a movie, Ice age 3 : the Dawn of the Dinosaurs(3D). For anyone who doesnt know, they watched the 3D version of the movie, where you have to wear '3D glasses', and everything in the movie comes to life, it feels like the characters of ice age are just infront of you, and it really made the illusion of the dinosaur walking out of the screen! by the way, those glasses where really BIG, and kinda weird and funky. (inset: Ian wearing his funky 3D glasses, followed by walter on the right, with his trade mark 'peace sign' pose) after that, they went to the pool and snooker place,(forgot the name of that place) for a game of pool. On the way they met other fellow aviators, Chun wern and Sheng yang, hanging out at gurney too.

Walter and Kit meng teamed up to challege Ian and his 3Ta3 friend for a 2vs2 pool game. here are some pictures of them playing pool.

Wow. The pictures says it all. Looks like they really had a blast! After that, they all had to go home. Walter went home first, while Ian walked to Sunrise Macdonalds to eat dinner, as the Mcdonalds in Gurney was full. Kit Meng also joined him not long after. I think they really had a great time together, and i think that will also be the last time hanging out together untill PMR, haha. Maybe they got some scolding by their parents when they got home too? heh, even if they did get some verbal spanking at home by their parents, i guess it was worth it as they had so much fun. Okay, thats it for today. Remember to come back to Aviation1 blog for new posts! PS: guess who won the pool challenge that day? post a reply and tell us! by the way, there was 2 games. Have a nice day!


GenYong said...

Guang Ian, ur style just like Gary 曹格. Handsome and cool!

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