The Stuffs in Aviation

Aviation got talents, do you believe? Not only talent in the music or anything la but they're talent in making stuffs and something that full of funnies and features. By the way, now I would like to show you some creative stuffs done by See Pin. The above stuffs were done by him and he just used the sticker that we usually use for labeling or doing correction in exercise book.

How creative it is! Haaa... using stickers to make such stuffs. It's nice and now has begun his collections. Congratulations See Pin! I have an idea here....

Do you think yourself creative enough? Make an official stuff and logo designing for Aviation can? The dateline will decide later, do first la!

By GenYong


HoKit said...


>>>bh_Wonder_Girls_bh<<< said...

See Pin...dun think i dunno u do renegade tank and plane again...=)

bh_Wonder_Girls_bh said...

wait wait..i saw a tank like "Tsunami Tank" in RA3..XD

<13h_*NoobHo*_13h> said...

If u can make those vehicles shoot rounds out of them, then i'll be really impressed....

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