Two girls in class...

Last Monday, we stay in class as usual. After having PJ, everyone was settle down themselves while Moral lesson. We shocked that after monitors announced there were two girls who from China come into our class. We started exciting and wait for them!

They came into our class on the 4th period which is Chinese period. Mr Ho was prepared some stuffs for them and not to forget our local fruit-Rambutans. Anyway, on that period we acted as 'angel' and keep silent while teacher was teaching. They were invited by us with clapping hands! They joined us in the lesson and just stay up for 25 minutes then went off.

They joined our lesson and looked through how we study in class. It's a good memory for us and for us is the first time. We need once more meet can? We really missed 刘静and芳正. By the way, we were really welcome you come to our class. Thank you very much and enjoy yourselves in ChungLing High School.


By GenYong


HoKit said...

" 芳正和刘静,再进来我们的班好吗?我们有很多东西分享!"
LOL i like this sentence ^.^

bh_Wonder_Girls_bh said...

芳正&刘静 再进来我们班好吗?!!!我们有很多东西分享!! 我们3TA1 很geng的咯~~

bh_Wonder_Girls_bh said...

lol maybe they use "QQ"<---(kinda like MSN in China) leh..u wan contact them can try it out =]

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