The extremely shocked

Today is the 2nd day after launching of this blog. I was glad that to see many of the classmates perform actively in this blog and also gave out their comments. But did you know what is the shock today happened in 3TA1?

Actually on last post, I mentioned that there was a guy playing handphone right? Now, the handphone has gone. What happened? Today while teacher was teaching in class, that guy played the handphone again and the PK1 Mr Soo walked pass and saw the situation.

The whole class weren't know Mr Soo at outside of the class. Later he shouted for that guy and he just realized. Without any reason, the handphone has confiscated by the discipline for 3 months. Although it's 3 months but for the handphone owner will lost his contact and the SIM card too.

For this case I have no idea and I won't comment for much of it. Today seriously everyone in our class was shock after this happened. Now the handphone no longer at 3TA1 and no longer fun for us. What can we check out next? I would like to advise others try not to take the handphone to school because the ministry of education has mentioned that take phone to school is prohibitted.

So beware!

By GenYong


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