Official Launching

Yo~! I think now is quite late for updates because due to my time line not match. But finally it gained a lot of people come and comment here. How did you feel on this blog? Does it cool enough? I understand that sometimes my English might be broken but hope all of you can forgive me. Thank you!

By the way, last post I mentioned before who's the first visitor and the first commented will get the prizes right? Wait me to announce in 2 days later can? I have to check the status of this feeds first. By the way, the another 'contest' is ready for you to win out! *First come first serve*

Can you guess who's playing handphone in his desk. Faster comment it and you have the chance to win a prize! Start now....

P/s: The answer have to put in the comment form. Thank you! The dateline is until this Friday 03.07.2009! See who's the winner!


Anonymous said...

heng young!!

sern said...

heng young!! juz now is me lai...

Unknown said...

heng young !!!!!!!

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