Tables Painting

Last Saturday, our class committees were held the tables painting process. Due to the vandalism in our class and we spent our self money to repaint all the tables. We have this idea since we get complained by the Action Group. We think that using ourselves money was cheaper than called Action Group come and paint.

A few of classmates were coming... They are(below is the 'attendance list') First of all, I would like to thank everyone of the Aviation 1 who was willing to help on us...The materials all were ready on top of the teacher's table.Our Action Group member a.k.a YikFong was opening the can of the paint... Later we started to paint all the tables... There were about 6 peoples working...JenSheng keep making pose for the photographer to take photos... He was so free that nothing to do... Just we working on and he keep doing something funny... Haha! But at the end, he worked.Our main director of this activity was ZiQuan... he was working on most tables. He also provided the paint... Good job ya Zi Quan!We were still working on the tables... and we found that everything was smooth running... After painted, JenSheng still keep on making pose for the photographer to take photo. Really a funny boy in our class and maybe can be our Aviation 1 model.Many peoples coming in at around the recess time... As you can see 3 person paint one table! It's cool... The job is completed soon...Our monitor WeiZhen was coming to observe us... JenSheng quickly make up a pose to take a shot with our dearest monitor... Thank you WeiZhen! With your supervising, we did a good job...After done everything, we started to clean up our class and finally cleaned up by three of us... that's SinSern, GenYong and ChuGen!

What I can conclude here is... Our UNITY was formed since the complaints have made. I hope everyone still can be cooperate and tolerate with each other. Not to forget to remind that please stop vandalism in our class and please make sure your desk is always clean!

Good job Aviation 1, the first project completed. Thank you everyone!

The attendance list
1 Ho Kit
2 Sin Sern
3 Jeremy
4 Fei Xian
5 Wei Zhen
6 Cheng Kuan
7 Chu Gen
8 Heng Young
9 Yi Huan
10 Wee Zheng
11 Jiun Ming
12 Ting Wei
13 Zhong Sam
14 Huey Jie
15 Kah Ho
16 Kit Meng
17 Zi Quan
18 Jen Sheng
19 Yik Fong

If miss out who just mentioned at the comment of this post. Thanks!


→→→bh_Ẅonder♥Ģirls_bh←←← said...

Cool job man~ u are dependable ~ thats GREAT~~
#ps..sorry about ur face...

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