Trial starts tomorrow

For those Aviation 1 mates, have you get ready with your school trial exam tomorrow? Again to remind you here this trial will last for three weeks. In between have some day break...
That's 3rd of September and 7th of September

I think most of you will grab the time for studying other subjects that haven't master well. So hopefully everyone can pass their exam and score for 8As? Add oil together.

The timetable was arranged as shown below:
2nd of September Bahasa Malaysia Paper 1&2, Sivik 4th of September Bahasa Cina Paper 1&2, Seni 8th of September English Paper 1&2, ICT(Computer) 9th of September Science Paper 1&2 10th of September Kemahiran Hidup, Sejarah 11th of September Mathematics Paper 1&2 14th of September Geografi, Moral

Wish everyone all the best and add oil on the studies... preparing for PMR...
P/s: Remember to take anything that you need in exam... Take note the date of 4th of Sep, Chinese Calligraphy. And also Mathematics together with Geografi, you need a calculator with Geometrical Sets. Bring it and please make sure you don't forget about it!

By GenYong < Do visit my blog about the merdeka day updates


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