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I think those videos were featured and they have given out a lot of message to us. Can you get it? For the Tree video, Kelantan MB talk about the unity of nations is important for a country just like a Tree. Up next the House video is really touching into your heart... After you watch it I think you will feel something and really satisfied with your current status! Don't simply hurt people's property.

Then the Halal video is really funny and something similar with Potong Saga. The stars inside have two sexy girls and I think maybe some of you will like to watch it... The story is to tell us the meaning of Halal. After that, The Son video was created in Cantonese which story about the conversation of a father with his son. His son was did something and he stands for he didn't involve in that. It may tell us not to fight between others, must be friend, kind and form a UNITY 1Malaysia. Alright, the last video here is Lumpur which mean Tanah+Air= Lumpur. What means Tanah Air? Is our nations. So we must cooperate together to form an UNITY nations and not to forget our Tanah Air Malaysia!

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