It's over

It's Over
Yo~! every Aviators.. everything has over but not for game over... XD. Anyway, it's really great to see that our mission has completed. Now is the time to let us enjoy! Have Fun. Guang Ian, Kah Ho, Walter, Kit Meng, Chun Wern, Chu Gen has gone to Gurney Plaza now. So what's the next planning for Aviation? I think overall and I will come out with the proposal within one week time...

I think it will be memorable for every Aviators, to be check it out. Here comes to our group photo with the Ketua Pengawas Cikgu Melati. Do you think that she was a good Pengawas? By the way, we had taken a group photo with her. Come on and grab it if you like!
Have Fun
So tomorrow who will go to school? Remember to bring along your textbooks ya!

P/s: the original photos go Facebook Aviation 1 group to grab.
By GenYong


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