What to do after PMR?

PMR has over for few days and nearly a week. What have you done this few days? Gaming? Chatting? or Blogging? Anyway, I think most of the students would not prefer to go to school this few weeks anymore. Why? Some of them said it's boring to stay in school, I can feel that! By the way, morning session is totally not same with afternoon.

Mr Yeap allowed us to play UNO cards, monopoly, rubiks cube and many more. We really appreciated it and it's a good way to released bored. Let us see what the Form 3 students had played something themselves!

Playing Chess
Playing Cards
Playing Army Chess
Kick Football
Playing UNO
Shuffle Cards Playing PingPong
Above those photos were the students think to do when they were in class last week. When I walked through some classes I saw most of them keep playing chess. But when I arrived 3TB1, I saw a shock view in front of my eyes. They used up the tables and pencil boxes to make a ping-pong tournament. It's a good idea and creative... Come on think about what we can do else! Use this time for fun and learning... Enjoy everyone.



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