Day at Seni Room

Sorry for the wrong spellings or whatever because this is posted by me -> SERN

Wednesday is our seni lesson which is the fun day. Morning of the day is assembly for the form 4 and form 6 so we were late for seni. Everyone started their batik. Sam was absent tat day... so sad haha.

From Right ( Fei Xian , Jimmy , Sern , Zhen Wei )

We were burning the thing used to do the batik because of its low quality. What can u expect from CLHS? Even the highest quality things can be broke in 1 day =="

Our teacher prepared the pro wax for us.

The Wax

Some of them were busy posing for photos =="

Mozila Firefox by Guang Ian if not mistaken

Until the appearance of this sohai
Chu Gen the famous weak fatty lol

He started to jump like a monkey and acted like he is very pro aneh hahaha. Dun angry when u read this lol!

Some of them were also starting to draw the corak for batik.

Eric and Kok Wei
After it everyone went to IT class. The lan was blocked by stupid teacher. Then chun wern them go open *18sx* full screen hahaha. While jen sheng was dreaming about his head shot spree.

End of post
7/8/09 8.32pm


GenYong said...

The Firefox logo that drawn by Guang Ian was look so same... Really a hard job but nice!

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