The 'classmade' Sniper

Yo~! Did you saw a real sniper before? Or just saw it while you playing Counter Strike? By the way, today our classmates were making this small Sniper by using stationery, how can it be? Can you imagine that? They just using some spoiled pens and the covers to make it. Did you see it in the class just now? If not please scroll down and take a look.
PS : Sniper name is Magnum Version 2.0
Damage : 10/100
Accuracy : 10/100Our Mr Heng Young was showing the own made sniper. I think this 'tiny' sniper was made by a group of people. They were addicted the CouterStrike games and form this idea out, really creative!The closer look for this tiny sniper. You can see that all the materials was reusable items. They used the pen covers and combine with others to paste it as a small sniper. It's cool! Do you agree with me?

By GenYong


Unknown said...

whose butt is that ?????!!!!!
behind the sniper one...

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